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Questions & Answers for "Pre-game"

1 - 10 of 68


Other 6/22/2024

Kerri Lynn of Arnprior, Ontario Canada asks...

Due to high temperatures and high humidity, referee (consulted coaches pre-game) called a water break midway thru first half. As the players came over to the bench the coach of the other team was talking to his players about the game and what he wan...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 2/4/2024

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

Two questions coming:

First: A question for dealing with pacing off yardage on fields marked out for gridiron football: can't we simply point it out and say, "There's ten, right there?"

I tried that recently in a U-18 boys' matc...

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Other 5/10/2021

Jason C. of Lacrosse, WI USA asks...

Thanks guys. With regard to consulting the rulebook during a match, I have never done this, but I have had to look up obscure high school rules pre-game related to things like under garments and leg braces.

The absolute best format for IFA...

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High School 10/24/2020

PETER of STOCKTON, CA United States asks...

One of my "pet peeves" is when a free kick is awarded the opposition has a player go and stand over the ball. In my pre-game with coaches and captains I tell them this is a yellow card offense. However, I am seeing this done more and more at the prof...

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Law 4 - The Players Equipment 10/3/2020

Gary Robinson of Pleasant Grove, UT USA asks...

What is the appropriate punishment under Law 4 if a player is found on the field of play wearing illegal equipment?

During my pre-game check in, I always remind players "no necklaces, earings, wristbands, braclets, watches, fitness track...

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Law 6 - The Other Match Oficials 12/14/2019

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

Thanks to Rob for asking this question, as - in my observations - old habits are taking a long time to die off, on off-side calls and their restart placements.

It makes sense that the flag shouldn't go up until the infraction takes place. Li...

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Law 16 - The Goal Kick 7/8/2019

John Nagel of Wilmette, IL USA asks...

I attended US v. Mexico Gold Cup final yesterday and was really surprised to see the CR completely ignore the required procedure for goal kicks. The team taking the kick would have a second player receive the ball from the keeper well inside the pen...

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High School 4/12/2019

Derek of Cary, IL USA asks...

I am AR1. Play was stopped for an injured player within the opponent's PA. A coach (not the head coach) made a comment ('that's a foul, ref'), and slowly walked to the player while arguing he never said that comment. Referee was confrontational, n...

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Character, Attitude and Control 10/3/2018

steve of oakland, CA usa asks...

Is this something I could say in a pre-game check in with players, tell them that if anyone runs into the goal to get the ball after scoring that it will be an automatic yellow card?...

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Law 11 - Offside 4/30/2018

Jeffrey Atkins of Morristown, Tennessee United States asks...

I agree with all of the answers given by the panel, but was the forward not already involved in play by interfering with the goalkeeper?

Dave said 'the keeper reacted quickly' and described both players as 'at full sprint.'

It seems...

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Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef

This web site and the answers to these questions are not sanctioned by or affiliated with any governing body of soccer. The free opinions expressed on this site should not be considered official interpretations of the Laws of the Game and are merely opinions of AskTheRef and our panel members. If you need an official ruling you should contact your state or local representative through your club or league. On AskTheRef your questions are answered by a panel of licensed referees. See Meet The Ref for details about our panel members. While there is no charge for asking the questions, donation to maintain the site are welcomed! <>