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Questions & Answers for "Pre-game"

11 - 20 of 68

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Law 11 - Offside 1/21/2018

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

I was CR today and an AR, in pre-game chat, asked if he should mark the offside kick where the infraction occurred - or where the player IOP started their run.

I advised to 'wait and see' and mark it where the player becomes involved in the ...

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Law 7 - The Duration of the Match 10/22/2017

Joseph of Concord, CA USA asks...

Thoughts on telling players how much time is left in a game if they ask? I have players ask probably 3-4 times a game near the end of each half how much time is left. I would prefer to not tell them or have to look down at my watch and possibly miss ...

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Law 4 - The Players Equipment 10/24/2016

Steven of Seattle, WA USA asks...

Very strange situation happened this weekend that I will probably never have again. I was the center referee in a game and did not perform the pre-game player equipment check. The previous game I was on was running late, so one of my ARs (a state ref...

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Law 5 - The Referee 10/7/2016

Brad H of Plymouth, Michigan United States asks...

Regarding advice from question 30853, Referee Voshol comments:

'When a coach approaches you to talk about how you're going to call something, say, 'Wait a minute, let's get the other coach so both of you know how the game will go.' That qui...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 9/19/2016

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

I guess we have some educating to do in pre-game discussions, to clarify that a kick of some kind is required on IDFKs.

How a 'kick' ever got slimmed down to a tap or feather-light stomp is beyond me. The basic intent in those cases, is to l...

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Pre-Game 4/24/2016

Brett of Sydney, NSW Australia asks...

Hi all,
I have a question about mechanics and teamwork with new assistant referees.

I have recently started refereeing matches with new assistant referees, who have assistant refereed a few matches. In these matches I have had a number o...

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Law 11 - Offside 10/26/2015

Derek of Cary, IL USA asks...

As an AR, should I raise my flag for offside if I don't know who touched the ball last, or if I can't tell that a defender 'played' it? I feel that the referee would have a better view of who touched it last, and would wave me off if the requirement...

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Law 15 - Throw In 4/23/2015

Jason of Wylie, TX US asks...

How strict should we be when it comes to throw-in procedures? More specifically with a foot coming up during the throw. It seems like I see a lot of refs in my area being over critical with this. To the point of telling me during the pre-game 'I'll w...

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Mechanics 9/9/2014

Jay LaFountain of Coldwater, MI USA asks...

To clarify this for you: The reason I ask how is because I know WHAT to do most of the time. I think WHAT to do is pretty easy with regards to the LOTG in a majority of cases, but find as an AR that HOW TO DO IT is the problem that comes up. I'm s...

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Pre-Game 3/22/2014

Gavin chadbone of Tamworth, Staffs England asks...

I am about to ref my first cup semi finals and will have appointed linesmen to help out. Could you tell me as a group the sort of things we should be talking about before the game. For example do you assign one of the linesmen to deal with subs etc...

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