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Question Number: 35727

Law 3 - The Players 9/27/2024

RE: Rec Adult

Doug Crawford of Folsom, CA U.S. asks...

Extra player on the field:
2024-25 LOTG says in case a goal is scored, and an extra attacking player interfered then the goal is disallowed.
If the extra player did not interfere then the goal is good.
In U.S. youth soccer (and adult rec) with unlimited subs (not NPL, ECNL, etc) we often have multiple players entering at the same time.
I do not generally keep track of which players come on after the sub is over.
I don’t know if any of the new players (after the last sub) interfered and cannot say one particular player is the extra.
I am tempted to disallow any goal w an extra attacker on field.
Your advice? Thanks as always!

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Doug
Thanks for the question,

The best advice is to not let it happen in the first place and then the question does not arise for the referee to deal with which may cause chagrin either way.
The best process is to ask teams that any substitute should not enter until the substituted player has left, best managed by a hand over between the players on the touchline at half way. I don’t like the multiple rush on of substitutes while the substituted players are still on the field. It is a disaster waiting to happen and contrary to the LotG. It only happens in Roll On Roll Off substitutions as the normal substitution process is managed much better than that.

If there is a raft of substitutions and it is not possible to keep track then the best approach is a quick head count before the restart.
Yes there will be pressure to restart quickly yet if it goes astray a referee will repent at leisure. For the value or 10/15 seconds a quick glance around the field for a head count would be time well spent.

The way this law is formulated is to take account of say a substituted player or substitute who may be stood on the field of play in front of the technical areas or elsewhere so while technically an extra player on the field it could not be considered “interfering”.
In the case where it is evident that the team has played with an extra player a goal should be disallowed and the extra player cautioned and removed. Who that should be in Roll On Roll Off is a matter for the team to pick the extra player to be removed. In the case of recorded substitutions it is the player that should have left or the player that came on as not part of a substitution.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

HI Doug,
Unlimited substitutions certainly can create (oops too many out on the FOP) by accident as much as anyone would on purpose. FIFA LOTG do state no team should benefit with a goal, for, if they infringe on the LOTG, prior to scoring a goal.

If one team has too many actual participating players that you as the CR were UNAWARE of prior to the goal and ONLY if sure there were 12 players clearly participating when the goal WAS scored but CAN NOT be certain who of the 12 players interfered you could disallow the goal and award a free kick out. A slight discrepancy of which type between the two organizations. Goal kick if high school which is offside exempt! DFK if FIFA! You and your ARs /4th will have to make a best guess or ask them to pick a dude to caution as that is what should occur .

USA high school has a subjective set of rules that closely follow the FIFA/IFAB LOTG but are not an exact match as they have a different view point on safety and youth concerns.
The new wrinkle is to address the non interference aspect in a general sense, as encroaching more than actually participation in ongoing play. Over eager fans, player, coaches, parents can occasional invade the pitch trying to see better. Keep in mind when a goal is scored it is not unusual for players to enter in celebration and congratulate the goal scorer, creating uncertainty as to who was where and if on the FOP at the time.

If there is some actual interference on the FOP more than just the AR not being able to see down the touchline, it is a DFK offence in favour of the other if created by any of the teams crew allowed within their technical area if we stop play but if they are not participating and if a goal is scored, it can be overlooked, if, it did not affect play. If play was stopped for their presence it is a DFK from their location and they would be cautioned or warned. Unlike a DB if the need to stop was by an outside agent. Here we award the ball to the team with ball possession subject to the PA area where only the keeper gets the restart!

As you make a case for we might not know who should NOT have been there in cases of a lousy substitution , keep in mind as referee, it is our job to ensure substitutions go smoothly by following good standards of protocol. Not to say a player/sub could have sneaked on, but most often bad substitution procedures create such problems. It is why I very much dislike the mandatory aspect of the caution given it is likely partially our own fault. I would be reluctant to take away a goal unless 100% sure it was unfairly achieved.

Subs should be at the midline BEFORE any stoppage! This indicates to the referee and the crew the teams' WANT to sub rather than screaming sub at every stoppage . I should note once they are there ready to sub, if waved on but they refuse to enter and become players technically they could be cautioned for delaying the restart of play! It is WHY substitutes should NOT go to the midline until ready to go on as a player.

The ONLY deviation from that is in case of injury where you could sub directly in off the bench technical area. Even then they should go to the midline and be briefly checked by the AR or 4th then waved on by the CR.

While substitutions can occur with the referees permission in non possession circumstances or if the opposition instigates on theirs. I suggest in cases of unlimited opportunity to sub there should be a maximum number allowed at any one stoppage. This would be a # set precedent within the league bylaws or the ROC. Subs should be ONLY waved in by the CR or designated AR/4th ONLY when the player they are to replace has COMPLELETELY exited the FOP. I get them to raise a hand as they step out to identify they can now be replaced I allow the soon to be former player to step out ANYWHERE, but be 100% fastidious those entering to replace ONLY do so on your command at midfield, AFTER their counterpart is no longer on the FOP!

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