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Question Number: 35560

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 6/3/2024

RE: Retired Premier Referee Adult

Ibrahim Ishiaku of Lokoja, Kogi Nigeria asks...

Good day Gentlemen in the house.
My question goes like this.
What should be the referee decision if a player deliberately throws a ball to hit an opponent for the ball to return back to him during a throw-in?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Ibrahim
The answer is that once the ball is thrown deliberately and with excessive force at an opponent it is violent conduct which is a dismissal and a red card. It is like throwing any object at a player such as a water bottle, boot etc

There can be times when excessive force is not used with the ball throw and it is more of an unsporting gesture a referee could go with a caution.

I have seen ball tosses at players that were not violent conduct just annoyance as a result of failing to retrieve the ball to take a throw in leaving it for an opponent to do so. Those were more unsporting gestures than anything else sanctioned with a caution.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Ibrahim,
If we are talking about a throw in is done correctly for live play, there is absolutely no reason it can not be rebounded off an unwary defender as long as it was NOT done in a forceful or attempt to injure manner. You smack him in the face or groin even if softly, chances are it is an act of violence, a DFK and red card, you hit his body at say legs or middle of the back. He should pay attention. PLAY ON! I remind you that an opponent is required under the LOTG to retreat 2 meters and the throw-in SHOULD occur from where it exited the touchline not be pushed forward by the creeping up movements of attackers only to pound it into the body of the now very nearby opponent.
Dean Saunders

If we are talking about a ball retrieval and it is hurled with malice or force, as play has not yet restart, it is punished accordingly USB and with a caution, show yellow or VC show red card and send off!

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