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Question Number: 35383

Law 17 - The Corner Kick 3/14/2024

Crebs Crem of Zagreb, Croatia asks...


When a team is about to take a corner kick, can a player of that team (a player who is not taking the corner kick) stand outside the pitch?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

hi Crebs
The answer is yes and it does happen from time to time. A team may decide to place a left footed and a right footed kicker at a corner kick to allow the option of an in swinging or out swinging kick.

What one finds is that the opponents will have no difficulty with that as in effect it is one less attacking player to worry about.

A referee could be super picky and insist that only one player be off the field of play yet most referees will not concern themselves with it. It’s not doing anything unfair or disadvantaging the opponent.
It rarely happens so it is not going to trouble many referees if any. I rarely if ever seen it in games.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Crebs,
it is not a usual tactic but it is not illegal. As my colleague explained the type of kicker might play a role if inswing or an outswing is needed . Defensive set, up wind etc.. or possible a quick tap and dribble, give and go in towards the goal. One thing to consider is to remember they are both exempt at the kick just the kicker can not play the ball twice. I recall a situation as described the kicker was the furthest out into the FOP and the other player came in along the goal line. The ball hit the post and rebounded back to where the other player crossed it a 2nd time, The AR incorrectly raised the flag and the referee incorrectly awarded an INDFK out

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