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Question Number: 26984

Law 11 - Offside 11/5/2012

RE: Competitive Under 18

Lee Vining of Lincoln, California USA asks...

I would like input on an offside call in a recent match. I'll present the scenario first, and then ask a question I have for a similar situation arising out of the same scenario based on a coach's interpretation.

Teams are A and B. Team A just had an attacking play turned back, losing possession after a break away. Team B's defenders are moving the ball out of the defensive third with possession. The spacial position of the players and the ball, from Team B's goal when this starts, is as follows: Bgk, A1, B1, B2, ball, A2. B2 is has control of the ball and moving out of the defensive 3rd. B2 comes under pressure from A2, B2 passes the ball back to B1 who is perhaps 1-2 feet ballside of A1 at the point of B2's pass. A1 is a bit lazy getting back onside.

#1 - From the above, B1 receives the pass and establishes control with a touch, sending the ball up perhaps 6-8 feet ahead of him and to the outside at moderate speed, but apparently in control, perhaps unaware of how close A1 is at this point. A1 sees the pass coming and speeds up but, at B1's controlling touch, is still in an offside position based on the determination from the Assistance Referee. B1 sees A1 coming up from the right side at this point and speeds up as well but B1 and A1 arrive at the ball's position at about the same time and begin contesting the ball. First touch of the ball while control and possession is being contested is by A1 nudging the ball out of B1's reach and trying to turn on the attack. There was a large amount of dispute from the players and coach that were called offside and cards came out before it was resolved.

Question 1 - My crew had A1 offside at the last touch of the ball, by B1, and made the call. I'm certain it is the right call but wanted to confirm. Is it?

#2 From the above basic scenario, with a twist. B1 receives the pass with a touch, sending the ball up perhaps 6-8 feet ahead of him and to the outside at moderate speed, but may not have established control and simply deflected the ball forward given the distance and direction of the resulting touch. Again he is perhaps unaware of how close A1 is at this point. A1 sees the pass coming and speeds up but, at B1's initial touch, is still in an offside position based on the determination from the Assistance Referee. B1 sees A1 coming up from the right side at this point and speeds up as well but B1 and A1 arrive at the ball's position at about the same time and begin contesting the ball. First touch of the ball while control and possession is being contested is by A1 trying to nudge the ball out of B1's reach. After the call was made the coach disputed the call saying that B1 had not established control and that B1's touch was a deflection.

Question 2 - Even with a deflection and without control established by B1 I would still have wanted my AR to signal A1 offside and make the call. My understanding is that a player can be offside and gain advantage even if the advantage comes as a result of a bad pass or miss touch between 2 opposition team mates. I don't believe that offside requires that A1 be passed the ball by his own team. Is my understanding and application of the rule correct even if the coach's contention that the touch was a deflection?

Thanks for all that you do, I really enjoy reading the questions and answers.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Lee
Oops, some incorrect understandings here of Law 11
As Team B had complete control of the ball and the ball was passed between B1 and B2 then there cannot be any offside consideration here against anyone on the A team including A1 / A2.
A1 can only be considered offside if he receives the ball from a play / touch by a team mate. That did not happen here. All A1 did was attempt to win the ball back off opponents albeit from a starting offside position after Bs had shown complete control of the ball.
Offside must be recognised as a team offence and only players on the team in possession of the ball can be called offside. A player must receive the ball from a team mate for offside to be considered. The only time that offside can be considered when the ball is last touched by an opponent is when the opponent does not have control of the ball through a rebound or a deflection off him after the ball has been played by the attacking team. That is considered ""gaining an advantage by being in that position"".
In all the scenarios you describe here offside must not be called. Had the ball been played / touched by A2 and the ball was miss controlled, deflected by B1 / B2 then A1 can be called offside.
Finally I don't fully understand what the B coach's gripe was here. If B1 received the ball from a team mate B2 how is that lack of control or a deflection in the context of offside? If he was complaining that B2 did not have control of the ball last played by an attacker on Team A then fine, the PIOP could be called offside for ""interfering with an opponent"".
If it was the coach of A's complaining that B's had full control / possession of the ball with no deflection / rebound then I could understand that as he is correct and offside should not be called.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

Since B2 has control of the ball, there are no offside considerations for anyone on Team A. Offside only applies when a teammate touches and/or plays the ball.

If B2 kicked the ball so that it rebounded off A2 to A1, then there would be offside to consider, provided A1 is still in an offside position at the time the ball touches A2. This is true whether or not A2 made a controlled play on the ball. In fact, A2 could have been moving away from the goal in anticipation of future play and not even know the ball was there until it hit him in the back, and A2 would still be liable for offside.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

My goodness. We have some very basic misconceptions here. In your first scenario, it shouldn't even enter your (or your AR's) mind that A1 could be offside. The ball not only was last played by an opponent, it was played before that by an opponent. Offside is ONLY judged when the ball is touched or played by a teammate. A1 is NOT offside.

#2 It doesn't matter whether B1 plays or deflects the ball as it was played by B2 who is also an opponent of A1. Hence, A1, by definition, CANNOT be offside.

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Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef

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