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Question Number: 23496

Law 11 - Offside 6/18/2010

RE: Junior Adult

Joe McDonnell of Castlebar, Mayo Ireland asks...

Okay I'm fairly well versed on the Offside rule and have read the rule book extensively but wasn't sure about one situation.

Player A has the ball. Player B is behind him and obviously offside.
Player C is in an offside position.
Defender A is between Players A and B.
If Player A plays the ball backwards to Player B but it deflects off Defender A to Player C in an offside position, is he offside?

The only mitigating factor in this is the fact that Player A played the ball backwards.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Joe
The picture explains it pretty well. First off Attacker Red B is not in an offside position as he is behind the ball and he also has two defenders between himself and the goal line. I'm intrigued why you think Red B is in an offside position? Did you mean onside? Attacker Red C is most definitely in an offside position.
So if the ball is played back by Red Attacker A to Red Attacker B that is not offside. Now Defender Blue A deflects the ball to Attacker C who is in an offside position that will be called offside when Attacker C touches the ball as he has gained an advantage by being in an offside position. The key here is whether Blue A exterted any control over the ball and a deflection is most defintely not control.
The direction the ball is played is not part of Law 11. In fact if the ball was played back by Red A and Red C runs back from an offside position to play the ball that will be called offside even if he touches the ball in an onside position. Offside is determined the moment the ball is played by his team mate.

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Answer provided by Referee Dennis Wickham


Player C is in offside position when the ball is touched or played by Player A. The deflection off the defender does not reset offside position. Player C is offside when C plays the ball for 'Gaining an advantage' (playing the ball after it deflects off an opponent or rebounds off the goal).

Since Player B never touched or played the ball, his position is irrelevant. But, assuming B was even with or behind the ball when it was touched or played by A, B is not in an offside position. He could play the ball even if it were passed forward and B ran onto it. Offside position is measured in relation BOTH to the second last defender and the ball.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

Joe, I'd suggest you re-read Law 11. If player B is behind Player A and consequently the ball, he is NOT in offside position. To be in offside position player B would have to be closer to the opposing goal line than both the next to last opponent AND the BALL. So, I have to question your assertion that player C is in offside position . But, let's say C IS in offside position when A plays the ball. Doesn't matter which direction the ball is played, if it deflects to C and C was in offside position when ball was played and C touches the ball, he is offside for interfering with play, or if the referee decides the ball rebounded off the defender its for gaining an advantage. B never touches the ball so his position is irrelevant.

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