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Question Number: 23194

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 4/26/2010

RE: Select Under 19

Erik of Arlington, TX USA asks...

After getting caught out of position, attempted to break up a counter attack by grabbing a hold of a player's jersey. He still was able to get a toe on the ball and deflect it to a teammate who continued the attack 3 to 1 defender. Naturally, the referee played the advantage.

Eventually, the goalkeeper was able to make a good save, with the ball staying in play. Play continued without a stoppage for rather lengthy amount of time.

The next stoppage happened to be a foul, a late tackle, my leading cleat taking out the opponent's ankle after missing the ball.

The referee showed two yellows and then a red, one for the shirt pull, and one for the tackle. The referee never told me until that point I was really given a yellow for the shirt pull. If he did, I would have played differently. This just seems unfair.

How long does a referee have to inform a player he has been booked?

Answer provided by Referee Michelle Maloney

You're at it again, I see!

The referee has until play has restarted after a stoppage to issue a card, or in your case, cards. That's found in Law 5.

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Answer provided by Referee Jason Wright

You have got to be kidding me.

Unfair? UNFAIR?????

What is 'unfair' are your dirty, thuggish and unsporting tactics to prevent your opponents playing a game that many people love.

Do you have a rugby club nearby? Perhaps you'll feel more comfortable playing that game. I'm sure your opponents certainly will.

The referee performed exceptionally well in having the awareness and conviction to issue you the 2 cautions - he is not obligated nor expected to inform you of the first. Well done to him.

Try accepting some responsibility for your persistently filthy actions instead of blaming the referee for getting sent off.

Until you start show a little maturity, a little compassion and respect for your opponents, and a little appreciation for what 'sport' is all about - and realise that football is a game meant to be won through skill, not intimidation and brutality, I'd expect to see a lot more.

Incidentally, consider yourself fortunate the second challenge wasn't a straight red - in this case, the referee would have shown you a single yellow and a red.

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Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Erik
Yes the referee was correct in what he did. The shirt pull as described was a cautionable offence and as advantage was played the referee had until the next stoppage to caution for that. That is what he did. As the next stoppage was a late tackle that was also a cautionable offence and as you received two cautions in the game you were dismissed from the field of play.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

A referee may say something after invoking advantage, like, 'Number 7, I'm coming back for you!' She may also pull the yellow card out of her pocket, as much to remind herself as to warn anyone of the impending caution.

But there is no requirement for the ref to do so. You already knew you committed a foul - the ref called advantage. You even should have known that your hold was a cynical foul as an attempt to regain control of the situation after your opponent had beaten you. So maybe you should have been a bit more careful after that.

If you are capable of playing fairly when you think a caution is coming, you should be playing fairly at all times.

Incidentally, I'd be considering a straight red for that late tackle with cleats into an ankle. The ref was actually showing a bit of leniency. Perhaps he doesn't know you as well as we have learned to do.

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Answer provided by Referee Nathan Lacy

Sounds to me like your reputation is preceding you. Frankly, given the manner in which you describe the way you play I wouldn't cut you any breaks at all. I'm hopeful that the refs will simply allow you however much rope you need so that they can dispose of you as early in the match as possible. As I said to you before, these kinds of tactics and methods have no place in the game and I'll be damned if I would expect ANY referee to coddle you. BRAVO to this referee for appropriately sending you to the showers.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

So, what you are saying is; you purposefully used your cleats to injure another player but you wouldn't have if you had known you already had a caution? And you think this is unfair to YOU? I'm sort of at a loss for words. The thought that you would injure an opponent if you thought you could get away with just a yellow card makes me sick. You are supposed to do all you can to AVOID hurting an opponent while still playing hard. You seem to think you have the right to do whatever you want and that the referees for calling you on things should show you some sympathy. You keep this up and your playing career is going to be cut short after a plethora of red cards or retaliation by opponents

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Answer provided by Referee Gene Nagy

Erik,I think that fate has dealt you a cruel card. I think it is terrible that the referee did not actually inform you that he has a yellow card with your name on it. (I normally give a player a memo in triplicate on impending cautions during play.) It was so unlucky that you happen to 'take out' an opponents ankle. I mean how can a player know where he stands??? It is so unfair that these referees do not have common sense!

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Answer provided by Referee Steve Montanino

Just desserts.

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