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Question Number: 22474

Law 11 - Offside 11/9/2009

Scud of Baghdad, Iraq asks...

This question is a follow up to question 12875

Dear Sir, I have a question about offside.

Let's assume there is a free-kick, all players in the box, before the ball is played all attackers are non-offisde. Ball played, while it is in the air, an attacker moves toward the goal and be in an 'offisde' position, the ball falls to another player in the front of the box who head it toward the goal, THEN our player head it home to score a goal.

is that considered as offside? he was not when the ball were shot first but could he be when the ball defelected later?


Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

You said the first player moved to an offside position after the ball was kicked. That's all fine and well.

But then you said the second player sent the ball to this offside positioned player. You don't say who this second player was.
-- If the second player was a teammate, and the first player was in an offside position at the time the second player touched the ball, it is offside.
-- If the second player was an opponent, there is no offside, because the first player was not in an offside position when his teammate last touched the ball.

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Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Scud
In the 1st instance the player was not offside when the original ball was played. That is now over as regards offside. A deflection does not reset this until it is played by a team mate again.
Now the 2nd touch by an attacker creates another 'phase of play' to be considered for offside. If the player who scored is now in an offside position from a teammates header that is offside. It is also offside if he is in an offside position and the ball rebounds to him off the keeper or goalposts off the header.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Drop the box, use penalty area (18 yard area) or goal area (6 yard area) it better describes and makes the ability to discern an answer easier as there are different options that could occur within these two areas!

If there are NO attacking OSP (offside positioned players) at the time the free kick is taken then no one on the attack is restricted from playing the ball initially.

However you now say that a NEW touch of the ball has occurred after the kick was taken.

WHO is the player that touched this ball?

If this was a defending opponent a deflection of the ball off his head changes nothing, those attakers onside at the kick remain onside and unrestricted, and he was free to score that goal!

If it was a team mate of the kicker then a NEW phase of offside criterion are immediately considered from the moment that ball is headed/deflected on through! If the attacker scoring was in fact deemed as OSP when the second touch occurs by the team mate then the goal is disallowed and an INDFK out awarded for offside!

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Offside Question?

Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef

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