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Kicks From The Penalty mark 7/16/2024

Hussain Jan Gramkani of Muscat, Oman asks...

In the video in this link. This is a kick in a penalty shoot-out. What action should be taken by the referee. Any chance of retake?...

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League Specific 7/16/2024

Hussain Jan Gramkani of Muscat, Oman asks...

A player #9 was cautioned in a match and the team won. In second match same player #9 was cautioned, match ended resulting 1-1. In penalty shootout (after taking 6 penalty kicks each team) crowd entered in field. Match was replayed in full the next d...

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Law 6 - The Other Match Oficials 7/2/2024

Rorkerd of Kumasi, Kumasi Ghana asks...

Is it wrong for a lines man to enter the pitch during officiating and why the answer...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 6/27/2024

Sports Fan of Santa Barbara, CA USA asks...

Regarding Law 13

On an indirect free kick, can a player on the same team as the player taking the kick (first touch) be cautioned for requesting 10 yards of space? This would be the player taking the second touch who would be shooting on ...

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High School 6/25/2024

David of Ellensburg , Washinton United states asks...

I was playing a game for my Local HS and I was in the box with the opponents attacker got fouled but was crowded by a bunch of opponents and the player had the ball trapped beetween his thighs kind of on the ground and the players would try to kick i...

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Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 6/16/2024

Tony of Whitehorse , Yukon Canada asks...

In the 77 min Croatia v Spain, the referee called a foul in the penalty area against Spain. How is that not DOGSO? Even after VAR....?...

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Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 6/4/2024

Ibrahim Ishiaku of Lokoja, Kogi Nigeria asks...

Good day gentlemen of the whistle. QUESTION.
An attacking player is with a ball and an opponent player shouts (paaaass) and ask for a pass, the attacker with the ball now passed the ball to the opponent that requested for the pass thinking it wa...

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High School 5/6/2024

Iain Doleman of Las vegas, NV United States asks...

Attacking player fouled by defending player 2 yards outside penalty área, referee playas advantage and attacking player is fouled 3 yards inside penalty área, referee calls a foul and stops play. What is the testart?...

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Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 5/1/2024

Mühenned Elseyho of Onikisubat, Kahramanmaras Turkey asks...

Hi , how are you

Can you help me about this case? Can you explain all things about it

Thank you very much...

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Mechanics 4/24/2024

Crebs Crem of Zagreb, Croatia asks...


In the following case, how shall the play restart?

Attacking player is being tackled by a defender in the penalty area, the ball goes out for a throw in but after the ball goes out, the referee blows his/her whistle for a...

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